编程学习网 > PHP技术 > php高级 > PHP操作使用消息中间件Kafka





//生产者 <?php require './modules/kafka.php'; $rk = new kafka(); $rk->send(['hello my kafka']); echo 'OK~';
//消费者 <?php require './modules/kafka.php'; $rk = new kafka(); $rk->consumer();
//Kafka类 <?php class kafka { public $broker_list = ''; //现在是一个,也可以多个,用逗号隔开  public $topic = 'mytopic'; //定义topic  public $partition = 0; //定义topic的物理分组,这里是0  public $logFile = './kafkalog/info.log'; //计划在消费的时候写日志,指定日志文件  protected $producer = null; //存储producer对象  protected $consumer = null; //存储consumer对象  public function __construct() { if (empty($this->broker_list)) { echo 'broker not config'; } $rk = new RdkafkaProducer(); //实例化对象  if (empty($rk)) { echo 'producer error1'; } $rk->setLogLevel(LOG_DEBUG); //设置错误级别  if(!$rk->addBrokers($this->broker_list)) {//设置Broker地址  echo 'producer error2'; } $this->producer = $rk; } //生产者的方法(生产者把日志向消息队列发送)  public function send($message = []) { $topic = $this->producer->newTopic($this->topic); //创建topic  $topic->produce(RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, $this->partition, json_encode([$message]); //生产  } //消费者方法 (监听消息队列)  public function consumer() { $conf = new RdkafkaConf(); $conf->set('group.id', 0); $conf->set('metadata.broker.list', $this->broker_list); $topicConf = new RdkafkatopicConf(); $topicConf->set('auto.offset.reset', 'smallest'); $conf->setDefaultTopicConf($topicConf); $consumer = new RdkafkakafkaConsumer($conf); $consumer->subscribe([$this->topic]); //订阅  echo "wating for message....n"; while(true) { $message = $consumer->consume(0*1000); switch ($message->err) { case RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR: echo '要处理消息了~~~'; $messageInfo = $message->payload; // echo $messageInfo."n";  break; } sleep(1); } } } 

记住消费者PHP文件要在终端运行:php consumer.php。



 * 客户登陆信息 服务化接口调用client端
 */ class CustomerLoginInfoServiceClient { public function add($topic, $msg) { //直接进kafka不再调用java服务 EdjKafka::getInstance()->putin(array("topic" => $topic, "payload" => $msg));



class EdjKafka { private static $instance; public static function getInstance($className=__CLASS__) { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new $className();
        } return self::$instance;
    } public function putin($params) {
        $task = array( 'class' => __CLASS__, 'method' => 'putin_job', 'params' => $params,
        Queue::model()->putin($task, 'phptokafka_0000');
    } public function putin_job($params) {
        KafkaProducer::getInstance()->putin($params["topic"], $params["payload"]);


<?php require_once(Yii::app()->basePath.'/vendors/kafka/autoload.php'); //kafka包在最下面  class KafkaProducer { private static $instance; private $producer; private $partitionCountMap = array(); public static function getInstance($className=__CLASS__) { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new $className(); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { $brokers = Yii::app()->params['kafka']['brokers']; $newProducer = KafkaProduce::getInstance($brokers, 3000, $brokers); $newProducer->setRequireAck(-1); $this->producer = $newProducer; } private function getPartitionCount($topic, $force=false) { $now = time(); //3分钟查询一次patition  if( !$force && array_key_exists($topic, $this->partitionCountMap) && $this->partitionCountMap[$topic]["expire"] > $now ) { return $this->partitionCountMap[$topic]["count"]; } //获取到topic下可用的partitions  $this->producer->getClient()->refreshMetadata(); $partitions = $this->producer->getAvailablePartitions($topic); EdjLog::info(__METHOD__.'|'.$topic.'|get partition|'.json_encode($partitions)); $partitionCount = count($partitions); if ($partitionCount == 0) { EdjLog::error(__METHOD__."|".$topic."|topic partitions count 0"); } $this->partitionCountMap[$topic] = array("count" => $partitionCount, "expire" => $now + 180); return $partitionCount; } public function putin($topic, $payload) { if(empty($topic)) { return; } $partitionCount = $this->getPartitionCount($topic); if ($partitionCount != 0) { try { $pid = time() % $partitionCount; $this->producer->setMessages($topic, $pid, array($payload)); $result = $this->producer->send(); EdjLog::debugLog(__METHOD__.'|'.$topic.'|'.$pid); } catch (KafkaException $e) { EdjLog::error(__METHOD__.'|'.$e->getMessage()); $this->getPartitionCount($topic, true); } } } } 


<?php return array( 'brokers' => ",,", //ip一样,端口不一样  //topic名的映射,推荐用class名字做key  //测试环境和线上用不同的配置文件  'topicmap' => array( "RDriverPositionToKafka" => "driver_location_test", "ROrderToKafka" => "order_test", "SubmitOrderAutoService_saveOrderInfoJob" => "finished_order_picture", 'vip_customer_change' => 'vip_customer_change', ), ); 


<?php /**  * 基于redis的queue队列  */ class Queue { private static $_models; public $queue_max_length = array( ); public static function model($className=__CLASS__) { $model=null; if (isset(self::$_models[$className])) $model=self::$_models[$className]; else { $model=self::$_models[$className]=new $className(null); } return $model; } //确定redis  private function select_redis($type) { return QueuePool::model()->get_zone($type); } private function trim($queue_name) { $type = str_replace("queue_", "", $queue_name); $max = 0; if (isset($this->queue_max_length[$type])) { $max = intval($this->queue_max_length[$type]); } if ($max>0) { $zone = $this->select_redis($type); if($zone) { $zone['redis']->lTrim($queue_name, 0, $max-1); } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type); return; } } } /**  * 放入队列,统一队列对外暴露方法,增加类型默认放task队列,指定了就放对应的队列,同时如果不在指定类型内的,也放默认队列  *  * @author sunhongjing 2013-07-04  * @param unknown_type $params  * @param unknown_type $type  * @return mixed  */ public function putin($params=null, $type){ $type = empty($type) ? 'error' : strtolower($type); $base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type); if(!empty($base_qname)) { $this->queue_name = 'queue_'.$base_qname; }else{ $this->queue_name = 'queue_error'; } if ($params===null) { return $this->get(); } else { return $this->add($params); } } /**  * 取一条队列数据,封装多个队列,统一调用方法  * @author sunhongjing 2013-07-09  * @param string $type  * @return array  */ public function getit($type='default') { $base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type); if(!empty($base_qname)) { $this->queue_name = 'queue_'.$base_qname; }else{ return array(); } $zone = $this->select_redis($type); if($zone) { if($zone['brpop']) { $json = ''; $result = $zone['redis']->brPop($this->queue_name, $zone['brpop']); if(!empty($result) && isset($result[1])) { $json = $result[1]; } } else { $json = $zone['redis']->rPop($this->queue_name); } } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type); return array(); } return json_decode($json, true); } /**  * 返回队列接收的类型列表  * @author sunhongjing 2013-07-04  * @return array  */ public function getQueueTypeList() { $list = QNameManager::model()->findall(); if($list) { return $list; } EdjLog::error("Error: get queue list from database"); return array(); } /**  * 设置或者读取位置队列  * @param array $params  * @return mixed  */ public function position($params=null) { $this->queue_name='queue_position'; if ($params===null) { return $this->get(); } else { return $this->add($params); } } /**  * 心跳队列  * @param string $params  * @return mixed  */ public function heartbeat($params=null) { $this->queue_name='queue_heartbeat'; if ($params===null) { return $this->get(); } else { return $this->add($params); } } /**  * 最高优先级队列  * @param string $params  * @return mixed  */ public function task($params=null) { $this->queue_name='queue_task'; if ($params===null) { return $this->get(); } else { return $this->add($params); } } /**  * 保存日志到数据库  * @param string $params  * @return mixed  */ public function dumplog($params=null) { $this->queue_name='queue_dumplog'; if ($params===null) { return $this->get(); } else { return $this->add($params); } } /**  * 返回各个队列中的任务总数  */ public function length() { $queue = $this->getQueueTypeList(); $queue_length=array(); $reg = "/P[0-9]+$/"; foreach($queue as $item) { $base_qname = $item->base_qname; $zone = $this->select_redis($base_qname); $key = 'queue_'.$base_qname; if($zone) { $len = $zone['redis']->lLen($key); if(isset($item->max) && $len > $item->max) { $key = '!'.$key; } $pkey = ''; if(preg_match($reg, $zone['name'])) { $pkey = $key.'@'.$zone['name']; } else { $pkey = $key.'@'.$zone['name']."_P".$item->level; } $queue_length[$pkey] = $len; } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $key); } } return $queue_length; } private function get() { $type = str_replace("queue_", "", $this->queue_name); $zone = $this->select_redis($type); if($zone) { if($zone['brpop']) { $json = ''; $result = $zone['redis']->brPop($this->queue_name, $zone['brpop']); if(!empty($result) && isset($result[1])) { $json = $result[1]; } } else { $json = $zone['redis']->rPop($this->queue_name); } } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type); return array(); } return json_decode($json, true); } private function add($params) { $json=json_encode($params); $type = str_replace("queue_", "", $this->queue_name); $zone = $this->select_redis($type); $return = 0; if($zone) { try { $return = $zone['redis']->lPush($this->queue_name, $json); } catch (Exception $e) { EdjLog::error("write redis error,msg:".$e->getMessage()); //echo $e->getMessage();  } } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $type); } return $return; } public function processTask($task) { if(!isset($task['method'], $task['params'])) { $task_content = json_encode($task); EdjLog::error("can not run task due to no 'method' or 'params' specified, task is $task_content"); return; } $method=$task['method']; $params=$task['params']; $class = isset($task['class']) ? $task['class'] : "QueueProcess"; EdjLog::info("REDIS_QUEUE_OUT CLASS:$class METHOD:$method PARAMS:".json_encode($params)); try { //throw new Exception("Value must be 1 or below");  $queue_process=new $class(); // check this method is exist, if not throw ReflectionException  new ReflectionMethod($queue_process, $method); call_user_func_array(array($queue_process, $method), array($params)); } catch(Exception $e) { $errmsg = $e->getMessage(); EdjLog::error("execption queue_run method:$method err: $errmsg"); } } public function getLengthByType($type){ $type = empty($type) ? 'error' : strtolower($type); $base_qname = QNameManagerService::model()->get_base_qname($type); $zone = $this->select_redis($base_qname); $key = 'queue_'.$base_qname; $len = 0; if($zone) { $len = $zone['redis']->lLen($key); } else { EdjLog::error("can not find zone, queue name: " . $base_qname); } return $len; } }

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